Why does my library account say that I am blocked, that I am barred, or that my status is expired?


Users can encounter several different types of status messages. Patrons with questions about their account status can visit the checkout desk in room 241 of LSU Library and ask to speak to a staff member. Alternatively, patrons can reach out to us via e-mail at libcirc@lsu.edu. When contacting us via e-mail, LSU students, staff, and faculty should message us from their LSU e-mail address; public patrons should message us from the e-mail address we have on file. For privacy reasons, we cannot discuss the details of patron accounts over the telephone.

Expired: Students must be currently enrolled in classes in order to be granted library privileges. Once they graduate, or if they fail to register on time in accord with the deadlines posted on LSU’s academic calendar, their privileges expire. If they try to log in to their library account after that date, they will see an alert message informing them that their account has expired. Graduate students who have received a master’s degree but are continuing on to get their PhD may also have their privileges expire earlier than expected.

The library receives weekly updates on student status from the Registrar’s Office. Once the semester has begun, if students register during the week, their accounts will not be updated and their privileges extended in the system until the following Monday morning.

Blocked: Users with overdue recalled books will have their accounts blocked by the system. Their accounts will remain blocked until the book is returned. The system will not permit staff members to override blocks or to renew books that have been recalled. The only way to remove a block from an account is to return the materials.

Barred: Users can be barred from using library materials for a number of reasons: the most common being that they have been billed for lost items. They can also be barred if they resign from the university, if their classes are purged, or for flagrant violations of library policy. If they try to log into their account after they have been barred, they will receive an alert message that tells them that they have been barred.

  • Last Updated May 22, 2024
  • Views 141
  • Answered By Karl Simmerman

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