Is there a fiction section in LSU Library?


LSU library does own many works of fiction; however, because we are an academic library, we do not keep fiction in its own separate section. Fiction is classified by the country in which it was published. For example, English literature has a call number of PR, and American literature has a call number of PS. We also have many works of fiction for young adults in our Young People's Collection. In order to determine where to look for fiction in the stacks, please consult the library website or ask at the checkout desk in room 241 of LSU Library.

We also have some works of popular fiction on our Book Exchange shelf located near the Wellness Hub in room 241. Anyone is welcome to take one of these free books to read. Any donations books left in exchange are certainly welcome, though not required.

  • Last Updated May 22, 2024
  • Views 178
  • Answered By Karl Simmerman

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