Can you help me file a patent?


LSU Libraries has a Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC), representative who can answer general questions about the patent and trademark process, but they are not an attorney and cannot provide legal advice or help file the actual patent. 

In addition to answering general questions, our PTRC representative can:

  • Provide free brochures and forms on patents and trademarks via email or in person.
  • Offer free one-on-one consultations by appointment.
  • Instruct patrons in the use of search tools such as PatFT (Patent Full-Text) and TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System)
  • Direct patrons to legal assistance and resources.

For free assistance in filing a patent, consider contacting the USPTO’s Pro Se Assistance Center. Pro se personnel can meet with applicants to answer patent-related questions and assist in filing their applications via video conference or telephone.

For an appointment:

Please call 1-866-767-3848 or email or click the appointment link HERE.

  • Last Updated Nov 16, 2023
  • Views 34
  • Answered By Kendall Caple

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